Yes, I created a resume. While applying for jobs or even talking to someone about potential employment the question of, do I have a resume, always came up. I quickly understood that a resume would be required in most job opportunities that came available to me. The process of creating a resume was very stressful for me. Prior to incarceration I never held a job, and your resume is expected to cover anywhere from your last 3-7 years, with the name of your employer, an address, years employed, contact information, etc. For myself, the insecurity of being incarcerated for over 25 years and lack of real-world experience only added to the stress so I began to seek help on how o build a resume and provide all that was necessary while not leaving gaps. I would recommend starting in prison. The reason being, I would want to have a timeline of the jobs I’ve held, skills required and skills learned, and the ability to describe my daily routine/functions as they relate to the job I am applying for. Just to have those things accessible and fresh in my mind.